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Products for Mom
You are going to want to trust me on these items. I have seen them all and these have certainly proven time and time again as postpartum must-haves for mom!
Baby Gear
I know some of these are spendy, but I can assure you, they will get well used and you will certainly get your money out of each of these products.
Baby Clothing
There are a TON of adorable newborn outfits and I get how tempting it is to want them all, but I have a secret...you won't use them. Babies at this age need quality onesies and to be swaddled. So be sure to stock up, because you'll likely need more than one per day!
Baby Care
I get it there are SOOO many baby care products on the market and how can new-to-be parents know if you are getting the best ones? These products are all amazing and gentle for sensitive newborn skin and many are award-winning products.